On the 2nd-December-2021 Lugazi FC executive members paid a courtesy visit to the Chairperson LC III Lugazi Central Division.

Lugazi FC is on a campaign of mobilizing the fan base, and one of the strategies is to reach out to the authorities within the localities of the club due to their influence on the communities.

Speaking to the mayor, the club requested Mr. Lutajan to Support the Cause.

Your Worship, we have come here to officially invite you to support the club. Therefore, it’s our request that you become one of the club’s ambassodors – Club Vice Chairman Amagu Ratib.

I’m glad to meet this delegation from Lugazi FC. Football is a game that unites people in our society. As leaders in the community, it’s also our responsibility to promote talents of the youth. We therefore pledge our support for the club in whatever way possible – Mayor Lutajan Khemis.